Monday, January 19, 2015

It's me again Lord!

Gah! The blank blog! More intimidating than a blank journal!
I keep journals. Boxes and boxes of journals. They don't seem as hard to write in as "THE FIRST BLOG POST-OST-OST-OSt-Ost-ost!" (Whoa that was dorky)

In between jobs a couple years ago I really had this yearning to connect with women over the bible and crafting and....well let's just say I got a little overly ambitious, while I had the time, it just went a little hay wire. I really enjoyed keeping a blog as a way to communicate, and the connections I began making with women all over the web, it just was a little too...the only word I can think of is "SPLAT!" 

Fast forward to present day, I am freshly married to a wonderful Hubby, have a pistol of a Step-Son (to be known from now on as "the kid") began teaching again, and am beginning to build a haven for my family. 

Oh. And I'm obsessed with pinterest!

I've been thinking about and pinning ways to keep God the focus of as much as I can think of for quite awhile, and the addition of a new fam "magically" produced a few more pinterest boards.

Well anyway, rewinding a little bit, the Hubs (I don't really call him that in person, just in my mind) and I got married back in October, and had been planning since last December. We really had this desire to create a ceremony and reception that was focused on God and created a warm sense of family. I did a TON of research and asked a lot of questions during this process, at the end of the day I was just overwhelmed how God came through all of that and showed his love, gifts and blessings through the whole process. 

Did I mention I did a TON of research!? I couldn't figure out why there wasn't just a good, easy to find space where practical and creative information was written down to create a wedding that was not centered on me the whole dang day. 

And creating home, what does that look like in a practical, "I'm on a budget and work full time to support our family" kind of way? What about the holidays and other events in our lives? How do we keep ourselves and our children focused on God day in and day out? How do we create a space that reflects and speaks God's love throughout? 

*I've kept pinterest boards on these subjects too.* The Hubs even has a pinterest account!!! I share boards with him so that I can deliver messages. He has one board entitled "Blah" that he posts EVERYTHING too. 

I was thinking that, if I am looking all over the web for information such as this, other people must be looking all over the web as well....and I just happen to be an EXCELLENT Googler. So I concluded that I can be your own personal Googler and pinterest test dummy, as well as someone you can walk along side with in your single, dating, engaged, married and mommy lives. I've been in all four seasons in the past two years so my experiences aren't too far removed. 

So that's what this blog is going to be about. Keeping God in the center. Finding grace in the mess of our everyday lives. 

whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise...
(Philippians 4:8 ESV)

I'll blog about these things.

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